Offisiell spilltråd: Horizon Zero Dawn

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Registrert: fredag, 15 april 2011 / 23:44

Offisiell spilltråd: Horizon Zero Dawn

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Noen som har tips&triks til Horizon zero dawn?
Jeg har spilt en del timer og det er fortsatt mye å se :)
Gleder meg til Frozen wilds kommer
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Re: Offisiell spilltråd: Horizon Zero Dawn

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Først og fremst, skaff deg superdrakta!! Så kan du kose deg :)

Power Cell Locations:
•Cell #1: The Womb of the Mountain ◦Area: All Mother
◦Location: During the “Search for your equipment” phase of the quest, move through the blue doors and turn right to face a locked red door. Crawl into the vent to reach a room with the first power cell on the floor.

•Cell #2: Maker’s End ◦Area: Maker’s End
◦Location: While looking for information on Dr. Sobek, climb up to the 12th floor of the tower. From this floor, climb the large metal beam structure at the back of the room. There’s a treasure chest at the base. Continue up to reach the highest point of the building where this power cell is found.

•Cell #3: The Grave-Hoard ◦Area: The Grave-Hoard
◦Location: When working to restore power, drop into the silo and complete the holo clock puzzles. Finish all three to open the ancient door. As you step through the door, you’ll find this cell directly in your path. It’s hard to miss.

•Cell #4: The Mountain That Fell ◦Area: GAIA Prime
◦Location: While searching for the master override, you’ll leave the third floor interior and exit outside. There’s a waypoint on the beam, allowing you to zip-line across the gorge. Before doing that, drop down onto the rocks to the left and enter the hidden cave that leads to this power cell.

•Cell #5: Free Roam Exploration ◦Area: Ruins
◦Location: Return to the ruins featured in the prologue (accessible at any time) — drop down and pry open one of the locked doors in the underground. Smash through the rocks blocking the doorway to find the last cell on a desk.

Now select the “Ancient Armor” quest from the menu to find the bunker location on your map. Drop down into the water-logged cavern and insert all five power cells to open the door into the armory. After recharging both areas, complete the clock puzzles on either side to finally open the door to the Shield-Weaver armor.
•1st Puzzle: Up / Right / Down / Left / Up
•2nd Puzzle: Right / Left / Up / Right / Left

Open the “Shield-Weaver Outfit Box” to get your armor, and unlock the “Got the Shield-Weaver Outfit” trophy. Now its time for some care-free giant robot slaying.
Site Admin
Innlegg: 98
Registrert: fredag, 15 april 2011 / 23:44

Re: Offisiell spilltråd: Horizon Zero Dawn

Legg inn av B|G1 »

Takk :)
Har kommet et godt stykke på vei og blitt level 30.
Velger å gå igjennom alt av sideoppdrag og oppdrag man plutselig møter på veien.
Historien til spillet er helt fantastisk og man blir mer og mer nysjerrig.

Dere som har 4k tv og ps4 pro. Foretrekker dere 4k oppløsning eller forbedret grafikk?
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Re: Offisiell spilltråd: Horizon Zero Dawn

Legg inn av Gjest »

Selv kjører jeg med forbedret grafikk da grafikken blir mye bedre! Tv skalerer fint opp til 4k.

Snakkes, har minst 60 timer med frozen wilds foran meg ;)

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