Theme Hospital gratis på Origin


Theme Hospital gratis på Origin

Legg inn av Drassak »

Halla. Anbefaler at dere installerer Origin. Hver måned kommer de med et spill som er gratis. I desember fikk man det gode gamle Sim City 2000 Deluxe Edition. Nå i januar får man Theme Hospital. Disse spillene vekker minner :) :mrgreen:
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Registrert: fredag, 15 april 2011 / 23:44

Re: Theme Hospital gratis på Origin

Legg inn av B|G1 »

Har lagt det inn :) Anbefaler Theme Hospital Corsix. Den er moddet og takler fullHD etc... +++ mangge nye funksjoner legges til som sykdommer osv.
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Re: Theme Hospital gratis på Origin

Legg inn av Drassak »

Takk for tips! CorsixTH ser jo veldig bra ut!! :geek:
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Registrert: fredag, 15 april 2011 / 23:44

Re: Theme Hospital gratis på Origin

Legg inn av B|G1 »

Hehe, satt og gamet Theme Hospital i hele går :) ah, those memories
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Registrert: fredag, 15 april 2011 / 23:44

Re: Theme Hospital gratis på Origin

Legg inn av B|G1 »

Btw... noen som har fuskekoder? :)
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Registrert: fredag, 15 april 2011 / 23:44

Re: Theme Hospital gratis på Origin

Legg inn av B|G1 »


For you to type in these cheats, you need for the fax to come up. To make it come up you'll need to click on a small box that comes up in the left hand side of the screen and usally has a question mark on it. Once you've typed in 24328 you will be able to type in these cheats:

7827-This will enable you to go to a secret level after you've won that one. Shift+C-Get $2000 Ctrl+C-All research complete. Ctrl+M-Skip to the end of the month. Ctrl+Y-Skip to the end of the year. Ctrl+E-Makes one emergency. Shift+1-Extra patient. Shift+I-Change patients illness. F11-Lose level. F12-Win level. Ctrl+Shift+C-All items.

Secret Level

Go to the fax machine and dial 7287. When you beat the level you'll be warped to a secret level.

Infinite Money

While playing, keep an eye on the lower left-hand corner. If small boxes appear, click on one of them. If you're lucky, a fax machine will be revealed. Use your mouse to press 24328 and the green button on the fax, then return to the game and press Shift-C.

Quick Research

While playing, keep an eye on the lower left-hand corner. If small boxes appear, click on one of them. If you're lucky, a fax machine will be revealed. Use your mouse to press 24328 and the green button on the fax, then return to the game and use any of the commands below:

Ctrl-S finish whatever you're researching Shift-M Skip to end of month Shift-Y Skip to end of year
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Re: Theme Hospital gratis på Origin

Legg inn av TH »

Har spilt TH i 5 dager i strekk nå :D :shock:

Re: Theme Hospital gratis på Origin

Legg inn av TH »

Ah, rundet spillet!

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